For additional info regarding this option, consult the official Apple guides by following the above links to the Apple official guides. The OS will automatically optimize your storage space by keeping only recently opened files on your Mac when space is needed. Store messages and attachments in iCloud (as explained here).Store photos and videos in iCloud Photos (as explained here).Store files from your Desktop and Documents folders in iCloud Drive (as explained here).This option allows you to do the following: Here's a brief description of each one of them. To do that, reach the Storagesettings just like we explained early on, then choose between the OS recommendations available:

The main benefit of doing this is that those files don’t take up space on your Mac until you need to download them. The first thing we can do to free up storage space is to let macOS can automatically optimize it using iCloud: for example, you can choose to move files, photos, videos, movies, shows, and/or email attachments to iCloud, thus making them available on demand.

Earlier versions of macOS: Navigate to Apple menu > About This Mac, then click Storage.

macOS Ventura (13.x) or later: Navigate to Apple menu > System Settings, then click Generalin the sidebar, then click Storageon the right.How to do that depends on the macOS version used: Doing that not only allows us to know how much space we can recover in advance, yet also keep track of our cleaning and recovery progresses in real-time. The first thing we should do is find out how much storage space is available on our Mac. Are we ready? Let's start! Determine the storage space available In this post, we'll briefly review some useful techniques (and tools) that can help us get rid of those unwanted files and recover storage space on our beloved Mac. Global market share held by operating systems for desktop PCs, from January 2013 to June 2022 What should we do when our Mac startup disk is almost full? This is a very popular question among Mac computer users, which has continued to grow in recent years, giving Apple a market share of almost 15% in 2022 (source: Statista), as shown in the chart below.