VENDOR_STRING=nfr: permanent BORROW=4320 SUPERSEDE DUP_GROUP=UH \ Your combined license file should only contain one set of servername header and vendor information and only one instance of the latest PLIST cascade if relevant. So long as the header information is the same, combining licenses in this fashion will work. You simply need to copy only the INCREMENT portion of one file and append it to another valid license file. However, a non Subscription AutoCAD 2011 file can be combined with AutoCAD 2012 under Subscription.Ĭombining License Files of Different ProductsĬombining licenses of different products or different release years for non-Subscription licenses is fairly straight forward. Therefore a Subscription file for AutoCAD 2012 cannot be combined with a Subscription file for AutoCAD 2011. Newer Subscription license files will also supersede older Subscription files in the same product line. Otherwise the file with the newer creation date will supersede the older files. License files of different products can easily be combined, however combining identical products requires the individual license files to be created on the same date. Solution: Autodesk license files can be combined into one license file and used to configure one license service. You have more than one license file of identical products with only partial Subscription.You have more than one license file of identical products on Subscription.You have more than one license file of different products.Issue: You have multiple license files from Autodesk that fall into one of the following categories and need to have the files combined so that you can run a single license service in LMTOOLS: COMBINING LICENSE FILES (SUBSCRIPTION AND NON-SUBSCRIPTION)